Wow, a year and a half since the last update... Guess becoming a dad didn't help.
I meant to keep that blog up-to-date but all the recent work I've been working on hasn't been released yet so I can't show anything for the moment.
And also it looked like every artists moved to tumblr so why should I bother anyway ? Is there even anyone still checking that so-2005 blog ?
If there is, here is some fresh news.
Almost 5 years ago I did that drawing... remember ?
Well a CG modeler, Laurent Davene, friend of mine, did... well, a CG version of it :
We thought it was cool enough to do a 3D print out of it.
So we started with a 12cm tall rough prototype just to check it was doable and I have to admit we're pretty pleased with the result and we now want to move to the next step which is a twice bigger version (approx 20 cm tall) in a better quality, possibly in color (or maybe just a grey version like the 3D image above) and its base (again like the 3d version). We've contacted Ownage company, so when I'm talking about quality, I'm serious !
We wanna do a limited edition of 20 copies. The cost will vary depending on some details but I'd like to keep it at something around 120 euros.
So if you're interested, drop me a email or a comment and I'll contact in private to let you know about the production.
I guess that's it.
Hope you're all fine.
This summer, I co-developped a pilot for a TV show, temporary named POWERBALL.
I was in charge of the character design. We had to develop and produce the film at the same time, so it was quite challenging.
Here are two presentation pictures I did with JSM.
and some early design work...
And the film !
The entire crew is listed at the end of the video.
Power Ball Trailer from Alphanim on Vimeo.
About a year ago, I did a fake gritty Sin City-like comic book for the Cartoon Network TV show, The Amazing World of Gumball.
Since the idea was to get the too violent comic censored by Hector's mom, I thought I'd share the uncensored version.
Here you can find the actual sequence as you can see it in The Colossus episode :
Captain Punch par Lakun
And here is my work :
First of all, thanks for the nice comments about our little digital comix.
I'm currently trying to find some time to do the next chapter but it's not that easy.
Anyway despite all the good feedbacks, I also read some wrong facts (and some annoying ones) about how we did it. So I decided to do a "work in progess" post.
I. Storyboard
Balak wrote the story and did the storyboard.
Here is an example of his drawings I received.
II. Pencilling.
That's where I start.
Even a digital comix is made with paper and real pencils !!!!
III. Inking.
I'm very picky with my own inking work. I do take extra care in every single line, and if I'm not happy with it, I just redo it.
Here is an example of a panel I redid several times.
The left one is the good one the right one is the failed one.
Can you spot the differences ?
Here is a close up shot of the good one
IV. Coloring.
I use grey markers. I usually photocopy my drawings just in case I mess up the grey shading.
With this panel I had to separate the background from the characters.
V. Photoshop
I scan my drawing and tweak it with photoshop.
Then I ask my girlfriend who is a webdesign wizard to do the flash interface !
Finally Marc "Tsuka" took care of the website and the promotion of it.
Huge thanks for both of them.
Et voila !
A year ago, Balak did his "digital comix". Like a 21st century's Scott McLoud, he gave some brilliant theories about it.
So I couldn't be more excited to get the chance to work with him (again, remember Aids campaign ?).
He wrote and storyboarded the following, based on my MonkeyGirl character and I just drew it.
My sweet Caroline, did the flash code for you guys to read it comfortably and my other friend Tsuka, did the website and the Iphone friendly version.
It's pretty short as it's more like a test about what could be done, so do not hesitate to let us know what you think about it.
the link :
MonkeyGirl&DragonDude Comix
I've got the pleasure to participate to an exhibition organized by Seb Menard
to celebrate the 20th birthday of the Tim Burton's movie, Edward Scissorhands.
I wanted to use that opportunity to try something else, a new technique, and I thought screeprinting would be perfect.
The ink on a very thick and beautiful paper got a look that no digital printer can achieve, I love it.
anyway here is the result :
A3 (well actually slightly bigger paper 50X35cm) 350gr/m
Screenprint 3 colors
plus red marker.