Sexy Monkey

Posted by Barth On 8.4.06 5 commentaires

More surprises coming soon...

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

tréss chouette cuila par contre je pige pas trop ce qu'elle fait ni la pose ,si elle est couchée allongé si ell saute ou quoi ...enfin bon on s'en fout c'est nice .

Anonyme a dit…

whoa de + en + sex la monkey girl ;)

Mike Barth a dit…

i just noticed..your blog name is my last name.... is this your name??

and great stuff by the way. really like the style of your characters.

Prince Nez a dit…

Hi Barthelemy,
I really like the style of your drawings, the shapes and colours.I also really appriciate full frontal nudity and especialy when you expose Monkey Girl's snatch to everyone who's watching wich is he very nice sighting,not offending at all.Please carry on like that and you will end up in jail for the rest of your days, good's truth.


Barth a dit…

mike, you're clear-sighted. My name is barthelemy, by the way.

vincent, le clow zappata, je me rends bien compte que je me coupe d'un certain lectorat religieux.

Vil anonyme, elle est en equilibre sur sa queue.