Madame Sardine + Primavera

Posted by Barth On 8.6.09 5 commentaires

2 new drawings.
The first one done with my fav pencil eva, the Pitt Oil Base by Faber Castell. Soft with a a great range of grey.
The second one with pen and markers.

Hope you'll like 'em

as usual click on thumbails for bigger version

5 commentaires:

Thomas a dit…


mais sincerement... vraiment...

lex a dit…

very very nice indeed. tu postes pas assez, mec.

TnV a dit…

ouééé je vous reconnait (surtout le grain de beauté de Caro). bizzzz

Polyminthe a dit…

terribeul le premier!

Oscar Grillo a dit…

Nice one! The graphic tension of the lips in the central figure is exquisit.