MonkeyGiRl wearing a Kimono

Posted by Barth On 17.9.09 5 commentaires

A4 Ink and Markers

5 commentaires:

Chris Houghton a dit…

Hi Barth! I definitely wanted to try my hand at some Monkey Girl fan art. Hope you like it!

kalonji a dit…

niiiiiice !!! ah monkey girl c'est d u bonheur ma p'tite halte obligatoire avant de commencer ma journée !! keep maintain!! PEACE

Barth a dit…

Thank you very much Chris, it's awesome ! Could you send me a high rez please ?

Barth a dit…

kalonji : merci de ton soutien infaillible, ça motive !

Floppicons a dit…

Grateful for shaaring this