
Posted by Barth On 2.10.12 19 commentaires

This summer, I co-developped a pilot for a TV show, temporary named POWERBALL. I was in charge of the character design. We had to develop and produce the film at the same time, so it was quite challenging.

Here are two presentation pictures I did with JSM.

and some early design work...


 And the film ! The entire crew is listed at the end of the video.
Power Ball Trailer from Alphanim on Vimeo.

19 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Des recherches et un pilote vraiment classe, en espérant qu'on pourra voir ça à la télé.

Mark Kjærgaard a dit…

Unbelievable.. this looks great. Hope you'll get this series funded a billion times over.

flaviano a dit…

Faith no more on end credits, wow you guys are awesome!

Vecicomix a dit…


SHOo a dit…

Ca tue! J'adore vraiment ta planche "redesign". Ton traitement sur les volumes dechire, c'est quoi? Pantone et digital?

barth a dit…

Merci Virginie !
nan nan pour le coup c'est du full digital, dessin et couleur.

nlombardo a dit…

Fantastic designs!

SalBa Combé a dit…

Last week saw the trailer and I was impressed. Now I can not close his mouth in astonishment.
It's a great job with a great visual development.
Good luck with the show!

Ertito Montana a dit…

New news is good news :D

Andry "Shango" Rajoelina a dit…

Très classe!

RAHERNA a dit…

Wow! Impresionante trabajo. Genial.
Saludos desde

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The character design is very interesting.

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These are so amazing.

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A very good design and character graphics look great too.

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