Captain Punch

Posted by Barth On 5.9.12 23 commentaires

About a year ago, I did a fake gritty Sin City-like comic book for the Cartoon Network TV show, The Amazing World of Gumball.

Since the idea was to get the too violent comic censored by Hector's mom, I thought I'd share the uncensored version. Here you can find the actual sequence as you can see it in The Colossus episode :
Captain Punch par Lakun

  And here is my work :


23 commentaires:

David Ziggy Greene a dit…


Mick a dit…

I can say with some certainty that you draw the best hands in the world of comics

Caro a dit…
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Caro a dit…

Hahaha this i great! Love your work and love where the show took it! :)

2 a dit…

Thats great! I'm working on Gumball and this bit was so funny, I never knew you made the comic.

SHOo a dit…

nan, mais c'est juste genial!

barth a dit…

cheers guys !

Mick: mmm... that's not entirely true, but thanks anyway, I like the sound of it.

Louise : Hope you're having as much fun as I had on this gig. Can't wait to see the next episodes.

Shoo : Mais qu'est ce que tu fais là ? Va t'occuper de Romy !

RAWLS a dit…


Michael Plummer a dit…

That sequence was hilarious. I was wondering who they got to do the comic, amazing artwork well done!

SalBa Combé a dit…
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Seb a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

No wonder Nicole wouldn't let her husband Richard read it, great work, Barth! :)

Jampix a dit…

Great work Barth! I've added your blog to mine, I hope its ok :)

Unknown a dit…

I really liked this part of the article, with a nice and interesting topics have helped a lot of people who do not challenge things people should know.. You need more publicize this so many people who know about it are rare for people to know this... Success for you.....!!!

Unknown a dit…

Your blog is such a feast for my eyes. And, yes, How I met is a great show, I always watch it on a rainy day
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